Association “Investors’ Forum” organizes the economic conference “Vilnius 700: Creating a Better Future in a Turbulent World” on September 7-8, during which political, business and civil society leaders will discuss the world situation, the biggest social and ecological problems and the priorities of the near future.

We are living in an era during which technology and demography are shaping new realities, and the aspirations for economic growth with social justice, combined with sustainable liberal democracy are being questioned and attacked.

The conference is dedicated to the 700th anniversary of Vilnius, addressing the most challenging economic, climate, energy and education issues, both globally and locally. The event will bring together regional and global leaders from business, political and scientific communities to meet and share their insights.

Martin Wolf, Chief Economic Correspondent of the Financial Times, business star Ivan Glasenberg, former CEO and shareholder of Glencore, Fabrizia Lapecorella, Deputy Secretary General of the OECD and many others will be speaking at the conference.

International thought leaders, brilliant businesspeople, valuable insights and new solutions – this conference is a perfect Vilnius’ birthday gift to the world”, – says Rolandas Valiunas, Chairman of the Board, Investors’ Forum, co-chair of the Conference Steering Committee.

The conference programme was inspired by the world known humanist, a leading expert on economy and governance, Israel Prize 2020 winner prof. Avishay Braverman.