

Investors‘ Forum mission is to improve the business environment and investment climate in Lithuania, through cooperation with public institutions and the business community.

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Investors‘ Confidence Index for Lithuania
ICIL 2024 Q4
Key positive factors
  • 46% of businesses expect wages to rise in their companies in the near future
  • 65% of investors think the country is open to new investment
  • Telecommunication services, transport and logistics infrastructure, and employee knowledge of foreign languages have been identified as the strongest areas
  • Key negative factors
  • Investors are worried about the macroeconomic environment - 24% of respondents believe that the macroeconomic environment will change for the worse in the future
  • Education, talent migration and public sector efficiency are the top three areas requiring the most attention
  • 55% of businesses say they foresee a deterioration in the stability of the political environment
  • Recent news


    Discussion about ways to avoid misunderstandings when employing non-EU citizens in Lithuania


    Lithuanian businesses facing staff shortages are increasingly choosing to employ foreigners, but complex procedures and the nuances of the legislation pose challenges for even the most responsible employers. However, mistakes and misunderstandings can be avoided, and the key to this is to create a closer dialogue between public authorities and businesses. These were the thoughts expressed at a discussion on “Hiring citizens from third countries: how to avoid pitfalls?” held in Vilnius.


    Survey: companies investing in Lithuania are positive about the country’s investment climate but cautious about the future Publication

    Executives of foreign capital companies investing in Lithuania tend to have confidence in the country’s economy and its prospects. Compared to previous years, investors are much more positive about the country’s business environment. The growing gap between labor costs and productivity is seen as the biggest challenge by business representatives, while political changes and economic tensions are also a concern for the respondents.


    A new initiative by Investors’ Forum and Enefit to celebrate Green Friday


    This year, Black Friday will be celebrated on 29th of November in Lithuania and worldwide, with the biggest discounts. Some of these inevitably lead to indiscriminate consumption, but this week of sales is set to be replaced by an increasingly popular initiative. This year, Investors’ Forum and its partners invite you to celebrate Black Friday with Green Friday instead, and to focus on more sustainable and responsible consumption.


    Politicians meet with investors to outline what business should expect from the next government Publication


    The next four years will see political stability and state security as pivotal elements for businesses operating and investing in Lithuania. This sentiment was echoed by the members of the Investors’ Forum, an association comprising the largest and most dynamic investors in the Lithuanian economy, during a meeting with representatives of the nation’s parliamentary parties. The attending politicians underscored that one of the state’s paramount priorities is to ensure sustained economic growth and to foster a reliable and secure environment for business creation and development.

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