

Investors’ Confidence Index for Lithuania 2015 Q4 ICIL research

In Q4 of 2015 Investor Confidence index for Lithuania reached a record-high value of 1,189. Investors’ expectations are boasted by sustainable maroeconomic environment of Lithuania and strong political will in the Parliament to finally implement the long awaited Labour regulation reforms.


Investor Confidence Index for Lithuania 2015 Q2 ICIL research

In Q2 of 2015 Investors’ Confidence in Lithuania’s economic prospects grew significantly – CEOs of companies investing in Lithuania expect further positive changes in business environment. ICIL revealed that in the nearest future 4 out of 10 investors are planning to increase capital investments, almost as many (38%) expect to launch new investment projects and create new workplaces. However, entrepreneurs are more pessimistic about demand growth – only 1 out of 4 investors believes it will increase. 


Investor Confidence Index for Lithuania 2015 Q1 ICIL research

Even though the evaluations of foreign investors in Lithuania towards the economy are not as positive as in the previous quarter, the overall business and macroeconomic expectations are favourable.


Investor Confidence Index for Lithuania 2014 Q4 ICIL research

Investor Confidence Index for Lithuania (ICIL) survey indicates increasing investor confidence in Lithuanian business environment. The upward trend has remain solid throughout the year and the overall index value reached 1.181 (out of maximum value of 2) in the last quarter of 2014. The positive expectations came through even despite the unpredictable geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe.


Investors Confidence Index for Lithuania 2014Q2 ICIL research

Association Investors’ Forum for the first time announced Lithuania’s Investors’ Confidence Index. Currently, at Q2 2014, its value is 1.101 оut of 2. The majority of investors’ rate business development prospects positively. The investors expect increasing demand on goods and services, as well as creation of new jobs.
Investors’ Forum determined the Investors’ Confidence Index by surveying 56 foreign capital, Lithuania-located companies. The companies assessed country’s business environment, corporate investment plans and factors influencing their activities.
Investors’ Forum partners Invest Lithuania and professional services company EY contributed to the preparation of the index. In the future, Investors’ Forum will announce the index quarterly. 


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